The accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, Shariful Islam, was taken to Mumbai’s Bandra Metropolitan Court on Wednesday morning. Since it was his last day of remand, the police sought extension of his custody from the court. An interesting video has surfaced online wherein the police van in which the accused was being taken to the court broke down. In the viral video, the policemen present on the spot in civil dress can be seen trying to start the vehicle by pushing it. However, the van didn’t start and the accused was taken to the court in another police car.
Watch the video:
Meanwhile, after the hearing the Mumbai court sent the accused to 14-day judicial custody. Earlier this week, the Mumbai Police held a press conference where Additional CP Paramjit Singh Dahiya and DCP Dixit Gedam said that the investigation of the accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, arrested by DCP Zone 9 has been done in the right way and the investigation is going in the right direction.
For those late to the story, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Mumbai residence earlier this month. The actor suffered several serious injuries, following which he was taken to Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgeries. In the investigation done so far, the police have found out that the accused planned the attack on Saif’s house alone, and the involvement of any other person has not been revealed in the investigation.
Mumbai Police has also conducted a search operation in the Nadia district of West Bengal recently and questioned a woman. An India TV source said that the investigation has revealed that the SIM used by the Bangladeshi citizen Shariful Fakir questioned earlier in Mumbai had a registered number in the name of the questioned woman.
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