Home HEALTH Indian pharma market posts robust 9.5% growth in March

Indian pharma market posts robust 9.5% growth in March


New Delhi: India’s pharmaceutical market registered a robust growth of 9.5% month-on-month in March with all therapy areas doing well, according to market research firm Pharmatrac.

Cardiology and anti-infectives continued to be the top two therapy areas, data from Pharmatrac showed.

“The Indian pharmaceutical market (IPM) for the month of March has a very robust growth of around 9.5% which is quite encouraging with the majority of therapies showing a positive value growth except the respiratory. Price growth continues to be positive whereas volume growth is negligible for the month of March,” said Sheetal Sapale, VP, commercial, Pharmarack.

In March, IPM recorded sales of about Rs 16,158 crore with a positive value growth. “On a MAT (Moving Annual Total) basis, the market has enumerated Rs 197,976 crore with 6.5% value growth,” it said.

Among the top therapies cardiac, anti-infectives, dermatology, neurology, neoplastic and vaccines have shown a double digit value growth in March.