The broadcaster expects to secure ad revenue of up to ₹1,500 crore from the Champions Trophy and up to ₹4,500 crore from the IPL, the sources added. Rate cards for the ICC Champions Trophy have already been released, with a detailed ad rate card for IPL expected to follow shortly. Jio Star’s ad sales team is actively negotiating with advertisers for both events, prioritising the sale of Champions Trophy inventory first. The tournament is set to run from February 19 to March 9. IPL 2025 will be played from March 23 to May 25.
For the Champions Trophy on Star Sports, the broadcaster is seeking ₹55 crore for co-presenting sponsorship, ₹44 crore for associate sponsorship and ₹28 crore from partner sponsors. The TV spot rate for India matches is ₹28 lakh per 10-second spot. On digital platforms, Jio Star is seeking ₹55 crore from co-presenting sponsors, ₹45 crore from powered-by sponsors and ₹25 crore from associate sponsors. CPM rates for the full tournament are ₹250 per 10-second spot and ₹500 for India matches. For Connected TV (CTV), the spot rate is ₹7 lakh for the entire tournament and ₹15 lakh for India and play-off matches.
“Jio Star’s ad revenue targets seem ambitious amid the current slowdown in the ad market, which will ultimately depend on overall demand. That said, certain sectors like financial services and auto show promising growth prospects. On the other hand, FMCG, the largest contributor to TV ad spending, is yet to recover its past momentum in ad expenditures,” said IPG Mediabrands chief investment officer Hema Malik.
For IPL 2024, Disney Star had set ₹167 crore for co-presenting and ₹83 crore for associate sponsorships on SD channels and ₹71 crore and ₹35 crore on HD channels. Spot rates were ₹12.8 lakh (SD) and ₹5.45 lakh (HD) per 10-second spot. JioCinema’s mobile CPM was ₹200, with FCT rates at ₹16 lakh (mobile) and ₹6.5 lakh (CTV).
An ad industry source said the IPL ad rate increase could be in the 15-20% range. Prior to the merger, the IPL media rights were shared between Disney Star and Viacom18.