Bollywood diva Ananya Panday recently paid visit to the iconic Golden Temple in Amritsar and sought blessings with her mother Bhavana Pandey and sister Rysa Pandey. Sharing glimpses of her spiritual visit, Ananya posted a series of pictures on her Instagram handle also showcasing her experience of Amritsar’s local cuisine. For her spiritual sojourn, the Call Me Bae actress wore a traditional white floral suit and shared a couple of pictures with folded hands in front of the iconic temple.
See the post:
After soaking in the spiritual atmosphere of the Golden Temple, Ananya and her family indulged in Amritsar’s renowned culinary delights. The actress posted a photo of herself holding a ‘kullad’ lassi while enjoying a hearty meal at a local restaurant. Along with this image, Ananya shared mouthwatering pictures of her meal, which included parathas and lassi. Recently, she celebrated her New Year’s Eve in Gujarat’s Jamnagar with friends including Anant Ambani and Janhvi Kapoor.
Ananya on professional front
On the work front, Ananya Panday will be next seen in the upcoming romantic drama Chand Mera Dil, in which she stars alongside Lakshya. Directed by Vivek Soni, the film is scheduled for release in 2025. In her most recent Netflix project, CTRL, Ananya portrayed Nella Awasthi, an influencer who turns to Artificial Intelligence (Al) after a difficult breakup.
Apart from this, she has several big projects in the pipeline including The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair, Dhadak 2, Run For Young, Chand Mera Dil, and Darbadar. She also has an untitled wedding flick alongside Shanaya Kapoor and Ankur Rathee.
(With ANI inputs)
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