Home HEALTH Signs of breast cancer you must not ignore – New Lump

Signs of breast cancer you must not ignore – New Lump


A new lump or mass in the breast or armpit is the most common symptom of breast cancer. The lump may feel firm, painless, and have irregular edges. However, breast lumps can also be caused by benign conditions like cysts or fibroadenomas. It’s important to see a doctor to determine the cause.


Swelling, change in shape


Swelling, change in shape

Swelling can be a general thickening of breast tissue or swelling in a specific part of the breast. Furthermore, one breast may become larger or smaller than the other, or the shape of the breast may change. The skin of the breast may appear dimpled, like the skin of an orange. This can be caused by changes in the underlying tissue.


Nipple Changes
This includes the nipple becoming inverted (pulled inward) for the first time, a change in the colour or texture of the nipple, or nipple discharge (other than breast milk). Redness or flaky skin in the area can be a sign of Paget’s disease, a rare form of breast cancer.


While breast pain is a common symptom, especially around menstruation, any new or persistent pain in the breast or nipple should be evaluated by a doctor.


Swollen Lymph Nodes
Lymph nodes are small glands located throughout the body, including the armpit. Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit can be a sign that cancer has spread beyond the breast.
