Madgaon Express, a comedy-drama flick starring Avinash Tiwari Tiwari, Divyendu Sharma, and Prateek Gandhi in the lead role, was released on March 22. Although the film opened to low numbers on Friday, it picked up on Day 2 and Day 3 and is expected to churn out big again on Monday due to Holi festival. As per, the Kunal Kemmu directorial minted Rs 2.85 crore on Sunday, taking the total collection to Rs 7.10 crore after three days of its theatrical release.
It is facing tough comeptition with Randeep Hooda’s directorial Swatantrya Veer Savarkar at the box office. However, as per box office numbers, Madgaon Express has clearly outshined the Randeep’s film.
Madgaon Express had an overall 18.90 per cent occupancy on Sunday, with a major contribution coming from the evening shows.
Day-wise box office collections:
Day 1 (Friday) – Rs 1.5 crore
Day 2 (Saturday) – Rs 2.75 crore
Day 3 (Sunday) – Rs 2.85 crore
Total – Rs 7.10 crore
More deets about Madgaon Express
Kunal Kemmu’s directorial debut film, Madgaon Express is produced under the Excel Entertainment banner of Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani. This is a comedy film about three friends, in which Divyendu, Avinash, and Pratik are seen in lead roles. On the other hand, Nora Fatehi plays the female lead in this movie.
Recently in an exclusive talk with India TV, Kunal talked about the three lead characters and said, ”the three characters are so different in real that it was exciting to cast them all together in one film. Three serious people coming together as friends for a comedy film will be fun to watch.”