Home FASHION Walmart Vriddhi gives over 58,000 Indian MSMEs digital training

Walmart Vriddhi gives over 58,000 Indian MSMEs digital training


Global retail business Walmart has announced that it has digitally empowered over 58,000 micro, small, and medium enterprises in India through its supplier development program Walmart Vriddhi. This surpasses the business’ target of training over 50,000 Indian MSMEs by December this year.

Screenshot from Walmart Vriddhi’s website – Walmart Vriddhi

“Through the Walmart Vriddhi program, we have seen incredible resilience in MSME graduates as they showcase their exceptional innovation and commitment towards making a positive contribution in their communities,” said Walmart’s senior vice president of supplier development Jason Fremstad, Indian Retailer Bureau reported. “We are thrilled to be part of their journey helping them grow, fostering inclusivity, and creating lasting impact.”
Walmart Vriddhi offers Indian MSMEs mentorship as well as free digital training and business guidance to bring them online and help them reach more customers. The programme launched in 2019 with partner Swasti and a total of 14,500 MSMEs are now on Flipkart’s e-commerce platform, owned by Walmart. These include a range of fashion and handicraft related businesses.
“The Walmart Vriddhi program has been instrumental in fostering a culture of growth among MSMEs in every facet of their businesses,” said Flipkart Group’s chief corporate affairs officer Rajneesh Kumar. “By helping onboard thousands of MSMEs onto Flipkart marketplace as sellers, in line with our mission, we are happy to enhance their market reach, help them thrive in the e-commerce space, and contribute to their prosperity and business growth.”

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