“The highest point for me is being able to platform young cricket players from the country,” Shah Rukh revealed.”There was a time when only a handpicked few could become cricketers in a population of crores. But because of the IPL, a lot more young cricketers are given the opportunity to play for the country,” he stated.
Shah Rukh took pride in the talent nurtured by KKR, mentioning prominent players like Sanju Samson, Mohammed Shami, Iqbal, and Kuldeep who started their careers with the team. “We have such good, young players on our team. So many cricketers who started with us,” he reminisced, underscoring KKR’s role in shaping the future of Indian cricket.
Shah Rukh Khan and little Abram share a cute banter at the Eden Gardens
However, beyond the sporting achievements, Shah Rukh expressed genuine happiness in providing opportunities to young talents. “For me, the highest point is being able to give an opportunity to a young kid. In the melee, they become what they’re destined to become,” he shared.
Shah Rukh then mentioned about his personal satisfaction derived from seeing players like Rinku Singh, who started with KKR, excel and make a significant impact in cricket. “I don’t even remember, but we’ve had so many boys play with us and become such amazing players for our country. But apna personal hai ki, Rinku wahan pohoch jayega to khushi hogi. (But it brings me joy and feels personal if someone like Rinku makes it big)” he said.
SRK’s comments about Rinku Singh came amid Rinku Singh’s omission from India’s 15-player ICC T20 World Cup squad. While many cricketers backed Rinku to feature in the squad, India decided to name the Kolkata Knight Riders star as a travelling reserve.