The Dasara trio, director Srikanth Odela, actor Nani and producer Sudhakar Cherukuri, have reunited once again for a new film. Exactly a year after the release of their film last year, Nani announced the new film on X on Saturday. The excitement of the fans has reached sky-high with the mere announcement. While announcing on X, Nani called the upcoming film ‘madness’, and clearly expressed his excitement to work with Srikanth again.
Dasara completes one year of its release
Nani shared the news with his fans along with a poster. “Dasara turns one year today. On this occasion .. #Nani33 A Srikanth Odela MADNESS again,” read his caption. In 2023, Srikanth debuted with Dasara, also starring Keerthy Suresh and Dixit Shetty in lead roles. The film was one of the highest-grossing films of that year.
The announcement poster is painted red, indicating that the film will be violent, while Nani is seen in a giant avatar with a beard and mustache. In the poster, he is seen smoking a cigar. It is written on the poster, ‘You do not need any identity to become a leader.’ A crowd of her followers is visible on Nani’s face and glasses.
About the film
A press note shared by the producers reads, ‘Violence takes its true form before the revolution begins. Srikanth crafted another winning script featuring Nani in another power-packed character. Get ready for bloodshed soon with Granny 33. Hold your heart for this. When it was rumored that Srikanth would be working with Nani again, many wondered if the film would be a sequel to Dasara. However, this film is not a sequel, the director is writing on a completely different subject. Sudhakar is producing the film under the Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas banner. While the rest of the cast and crew are yet to be announced. The film will be released during the summer of 2025.
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