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Samsung is committed to make responsible AI implementations with stricter and proactive guidelines and regulations: EVP Wonjun Choi


Samsung has announced the Galaxy AI with the Galaxy S24 series smartphones, making the practical and user-centric AI-based features, including generative AI, available to users. The features are also set to arrive in more devices and slowly expand to more dimensions soon.
While the democratisation of AI has become important, ethical AI practices has gained more weight, given the level of misinformation and deepfakes surfacing online these days.
In an interaction with EVP Wonjun Choi, the Executive Vice President at the Mobile eXperience Business in Samsung Electronics, TOI Tech gained insights into Samsung’s proactive stance on ethical AI practices and measures the company has taken to make their AI implementations a safer place for users and the world.
Choi opens the discussion by underscoring the paramount importance of responsible AI development at Samsung. “It was one of our most important objectives in developing AI to make sure that this AI is going to be responsible AI,” he emphasises. This dedication is evident in implementing stringent internal rules aimed at filtering out biased or explicit language from the AI’s output.
Collaboration stands out as a key element in Samsung’s ethical AI strategy. Choi explains, “We apply very strict rules internally, and we also have strong cooperation with our partners to make sure that we can apply the safety rules on the output produced by the AI.” This collaborative effort extends beyond the company’s walls, ensuring that ethical standards are consistently upheld throughout the development process with the involvement of trusted partners.
Choi addresses concerns related to misinformation and deep fakes, outlining a robust response strategy. “If the AI were to produce some wrong content or deep fakes, as you have mentioned, we will apply the same approach,” he asserts.
This approach involves strict internal rules and collaborative efforts with partners, emphasising the shared responsibility in mitigating potential issues arising from AI-generated content.
To enhance transparency in AI-generated content, Samsung is introducing visual indicators. Choi reveals, “For the AI-generated images, then we will also put the watermark, either on the image or in the metadata.” This innovative approach enables users to discern between content created by AI and that crafted by human hands, contributing to a more transparent AI ecosystem.
Privacy concerns are well addressed with secure servers
Privacy considerations are at the forefront of Samsung’s AI development. Choi states, “I want to make sure that we are not using the user data or personal data for training the models.” Assuring users that their data will not be leveraged without explicit consent, Choi mentions—Samsung’s commitment to safeguarding user information and upholding privacy standards.
Through strict internal rules, collaborative partnerships, visual indicators like watermarks, and a steadfast commitment to user privacy, Samsung is carving a path for responsible AI development.
In an era where AI has almost taken over several aspects of the world and continues to reshape the technological landscape, it is important that companies start practising ethical AI practices and also take initiative towards implementing them properly.